Key Moves®

Therapeutic movement classes to heal and revive
Current TimetableLearn more
What is Key Moves®?

Who can benefit?

People of all ages and levels of fitness can benefit from Key Moves since our modern lives do not provide us with the variety of movement patterns we need to live without discomfort.

What can I expect?

Our one-hour classes are floor based with use of equipment to facilitate exercises. Our classes are conducted barefoot and we recommend wearing comfortable clothing that you can move freely in. They will challenge your brain and your body!

What's different about Key Moves®?

Key Moves® goes beyond the usual core strengthening and stretching classes. It 'gets inside your head' to re-programme your movement patterns to allow optimal functioning. It's a workout for your brain more than your brawn!

How do I attend?

Classes are attended on the recommendation of your treating physiotherapist. Anyone wishing to attend who is not a current client of Edgecliff Physiotherapy must first be assessed by one of our physiotherapists.

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Current Timetable