Fiona Condie

Fiona Condie

Dip. Phys; Masters (Manip)

APA Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist

Senior Associate

Fiona joined the team at Edgecliff Physiotherapy in 1996.  After graduating in physiotherapy from Middlesex University Hospital (West London) in 1987, Fiona worked in public health in London and Sydney where she developed her clinical, teaching, and managerial skills.  She then completed her Master of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy at the University of Sydney in 2001.

Fiona has an individualised holistic treatment approach and draws upon an expansive treatment ‘tool kit’ including: manual techniques (for joint, muscle & fascia function), cranio-sacral therapy, dry needling, electrotherapies (laser ultrasound), sports and kinesio–taping. She provides specific tailored postural training, ergonomic advice, and exercise program prescription.

She has been teaching the Key Moves® classes since their inception in 2002. In response to the COVID 19 pandemic, she now offers live streaming of a selection of classes.

Fiona’s passion for movement based therapies has led her to explore different forms of movement, in particular: Iyengar yoga, Feldenkrais, Pilates, Body Mind Centring, Tai Chi and Qigong. Following a Yoga teacher training with Kate Pell (Bowral) in 2013. Fiona created her unique Key Moves® for Yoga classes which integrate musculoskeletal health concepts with the ancient wisdom of yoga.

With an inherent belief that one’s health is intrinsically linked to our harmonisation with nature, Fiona has studied Ayurveda, Nutrition and aromatherapy, which she uses to inform her holistic approach to physiotherapy.

Fiona adores her Burmese cat Zak. She takes pleasure in drawing and the creativity of others, in art film, dance and literature. She is as content at home, gardening and cooking, as she is in immersing herself in a faraway culture.