PhD, MHPEd, GD Manip Ther, BSc
APA Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
Karen is a Professor of Musculoskeletal Anatomy at the University of Sydney and a practising musculoskeletal physiotherapist treating patients with shoulder dysfunction. She teaches functional, applied musculoskeletal anatomy to various health professional groups and conducts professional development courses for physiotherapists related to the assessment and treatment of shoulder dysfunction in Australia and internationally. She conducts research into both the normal and dysfunctional shoulder and has published extensively in these areas. This body of research has contributed to the growing evidence in support of exercise therapy as the treatment of choice for patients with shoulder pain. It has challenged traditional beliefs regarding the function of shoulder muscles (in particular rotator cuff muscles) and the diagnosis of some shoulder conditions (in particular frozen shoulder) with significant implications for the assessment and treatment of shoulder problems. Her studies on swimming and throwing athletes have provided clinicians and trainers with detailed shoulder range of motion and strength data which can inform rehabilitation and training goals to protect these athletes from injury and guide recovery from injury.
In both her academic work and her clinical practice Karen’s aim is to improve outcomes for people with shoulder pain and dysfunction. She incorporates the best available evidence to inform her approach to treatment and uses her clinical experience to inform her clinical teaching and her research endeavours.